Our church seeks to be a warm and positive gathering of Christians, and an atmosphere welcoming to seekers. A mixture of younger and older, some members have joined in recent months, while others have been members their entire lives. We take our relationship with God seriously, seeking to be faithful students of the Bible and faithful disciples of Jesus. That seriousness does not, however, override our attempts to enjoy our shared journey of faith.
We are flawed, and have no notion of being a perfect church; nor is there such a thing. We see ourselves as dependent on God’s grace, and we hope to extend grace to others as well.

As a “Church of Christ,” we are independent of other churches and denominations. We use the Bible as the written standard of our faith, and we believe in the ongoing, living action of the Holy Spirit. We worship “a cappella”; that is, we sing without the use of instruments. We serve the Lord’s Supper every Sunday and practice open Communion. We teach and practice baptism by immersion of people who confess their desire to be a disciple of Jesus. We are Christians only, not the only Christians. We believe in the need for Christian unity, and that the church of Jesus Christ on earth is not defined by names on church signs. “The Lord knows those who are his” (2 Timothy 2:I9 ES) and is active in many people in this community. These traits characterize us as a church, which like others, owes its heritage to the Restoration Movement (see History).
We gather for multiple reasons that we can summarize as worship, Bible study, faith formation, ministry to one another, and outreach to people locally and abroad.